Psalm 103 The Passion Translation (TPT)
Our Father’s Love
King David’s song of praise
1 With my whole heart, with my whole life,
and with my innermost being,
I bow in wonder and love before you, the holy God!
2 Yahweh, you are my soul’s celebration.
How could I ever forget the miracles of kindness
you’ve done for me?
3 You kissed my heart with forgiveness, in spite of all I’ve done.
You’ve healed me inside and out from every disease.
4 You’ve rescued me from hell and saved my life.
You’ve crowned me with love and mercy.
5 You satisfy my every desire with good things.
You’ve supercharged my life so that I soar again
like a flying eagle in the sky!
I have been taking a Zoom class on the Psalms with Peninsula Covenant Church in Redwood City. The leader encouraged us to experiment writing our own psalms, and it has been a brilliant experience!
Yesterday I woke up not feeling well. My body wasn’t well and my mind was foggy. My ears were ringing loudly and my vision was poor. I had been thinking the night before that I would like to write a psalm based on Psalm 103:1-5. So I decided to read the Psalm to start my day.
As I read the verses, the phrase, “You’ve healed me inside and out from every disease”, I stopped and realized it disappointed me that I was miserable and wished it would go away. I thought, maybe I will go back to bed rather than attend the Peace in The Psalm Class. I forced myself to attend the class.
Peace In The Psalms began with a time of confession. The leader quoted Deuteronomy 11:13 Amplified Bible (AMP): “It shall come about, if you listen obediently and pay attention to My commandments which I command you today—to love the Lord your God and to serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul [your choices, your thoughts, your whole being]”
And then shared with us an acronym of the word CONFESS she had created:
C= Christ
O= Obedience
N= Neighbor
F= Family
E= Everyone, The World
S= Supplication (when have I not asked for help)
S= Servant (when have I refused to be a servant of God)
She asked us to ask the LORD how we had offended or not fully obeyed Christ, when had we had offended our Neighbors, Family, the World, when had we not asked for help from God (supplication), trying to do it all ourselves, and when had we refused to serve the LORD. She let us have 10 minutes to spend in quiet.
Here is my journal from the time:
“Lord, I’m so tired today, I’m not thinking clearly, so please help me as I do this study, what do I need to confess?”
“The issue this morning is that I wanted to write a psalm based on Psalm 103, where ‘You heal all our diseases, and forgive all our sins, You redeem my life from the pit and crown me with love and compassion, You satisfy my desires with good things so that my youth is renewed like eagles’.”
“As I thought about the Psalm, I wasn’t feeling well. My belly is in trouble, I'm not seeing well, and my ears are ringing. So when I read You heal all my diseases, suddenly I realized I didn’t believe You, and I went to a dark place. All You have ever asked is for us to believe You, and I didn’t. Oh LORD! Forgive me please and help me please! Give me new understanding…”
“I no longer have dis-ease with You!! Though my body is weary, my emotions, soul, spirit and mind are renewed by Your love and compassion!”
It blew me away. To think that instead of disease, I had dis-ease with GOD Himself. He completely cured that! I have confidence to come before Him. He will never leave me or forsake me! He lives in me and I am His and He is mine. There is no separation between us because of what Jesus has done for us, for me! My brain fog lifted. I still didn’t feel well, so after class, I had lunch and went to sleep for a while. I am feeling better today, but I must still care for this body of mine, in the way God wants. He wants me more quiet than I used to be, not running around all over. I must obey Him or I am out for the count!
I shine in His Everlasting love!
My Dis-Ease is Gone
By Barb Berens
Fog encompasses my brain,
Transporting me to a dismal corner
Disease expelling my energy, hearing and vision
I turn to Your Word, Your Truth
I read that You forgive all my sin,
You heal all my disease.
But… But.. Here I am.
I realize I don’t believe You.
When asked how to enter the Kingdom
Jesus said believe.
Help me believe!
Forgive me and help my unbelief!
My eyes fly open and Your Truth, transparent!
I no longer have disease. I no longer have Dis-Ease with You.
Roll out the Red Carpet!
My place is secure
My GOD is Faithful to keep me in His Care
My GOD’s Compassion washes over me
Cascading Grace and Hope through my soul
Your Presence, a testimony of Your Kindness.
You are my Rock when I am in a hard place
Yahweh is my Salvation, my Anchor when I am drifting
The GOD-Of-The-Angel-Armies is with me and for me.
Our Father’s Love
King David’s song of praise
1 With my whole heart, with my whole life,
and with my innermost being,
I bow in wonder and love before you, the holy God!
2 Yahweh, you are my soul’s celebration.
How could I ever forget the miracles of kindness
you’ve done for me?
3 You kissed my heart with forgiveness, in spite of all I’ve done.
You’ve healed me inside and out from every disease.
4 You’ve rescued me from hell and saved my life.
You’ve crowned me with love and mercy.
5 You satisfy my every desire with good things.
You’ve supercharged my life so that I soar again
like a flying eagle in the sky!
I have been taking a Zoom class on the Psalms with Peninsula Covenant Church in Redwood City. The leader encouraged us to experiment writing our own psalms, and it has been a brilliant experience!
Yesterday I woke up not feeling well. My body wasn’t well and my mind was foggy. My ears were ringing loudly and my vision was poor. I had been thinking the night before that I would like to write a psalm based on Psalm 103:1-5. So I decided to read the Psalm to start my day.
As I read the verses, the phrase, “You’ve healed me inside and out from every disease”, I stopped and realized it disappointed me that I was miserable and wished it would go away. I thought, maybe I will go back to bed rather than attend the Peace in The Psalm Class. I forced myself to attend the class.
Peace In The Psalms began with a time of confession. The leader quoted Deuteronomy 11:13 Amplified Bible (AMP): “It shall come about, if you listen obediently and pay attention to My commandments which I command you today—to love the Lord your God and to serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul [your choices, your thoughts, your whole being]”
And then shared with us an acronym of the word CONFESS she had created:
C= Christ
O= Obedience
N= Neighbor
F= Family
E= Everyone, The World
S= Supplication (when have I not asked for help)
S= Servant (when have I refused to be a servant of God)
She asked us to ask the LORD how we had offended or not fully obeyed Christ, when had we had offended our Neighbors, Family, the World, when had we not asked for help from God (supplication), trying to do it all ourselves, and when had we refused to serve the LORD. She let us have 10 minutes to spend in quiet.
Here is my journal from the time:
“Lord, I’m so tired today, I’m not thinking clearly, so please help me as I do this study, what do I need to confess?”
“The issue this morning is that I wanted to write a psalm based on Psalm 103, where ‘You heal all our diseases, and forgive all our sins, You redeem my life from the pit and crown me with love and compassion, You satisfy my desires with good things so that my youth is renewed like eagles’.”
“As I thought about the Psalm, I wasn’t feeling well. My belly is in trouble, I'm not seeing well, and my ears are ringing. So when I read You heal all my diseases, suddenly I realized I didn’t believe You, and I went to a dark place. All You have ever asked is for us to believe You, and I didn’t. Oh LORD! Forgive me please and help me please! Give me new understanding…”
“I no longer have dis-ease with You!! Though my body is weary, my emotions, soul, spirit and mind are renewed by Your love and compassion!”
It blew me away. To think that instead of disease, I had dis-ease with GOD Himself. He completely cured that! I have confidence to come before Him. He will never leave me or forsake me! He lives in me and I am His and He is mine. There is no separation between us because of what Jesus has done for us, for me! My brain fog lifted. I still didn’t feel well, so after class, I had lunch and went to sleep for a while. I am feeling better today, but I must still care for this body of mine, in the way God wants. He wants me more quiet than I used to be, not running around all over. I must obey Him or I am out for the count!
I shine in His Everlasting love!
My Dis-Ease is Gone
By Barb Berens
Fog encompasses my brain,
Transporting me to a dismal corner
Disease expelling my energy, hearing and vision
I turn to Your Word, Your Truth
I read that You forgive all my sin,
You heal all my disease.
But… But.. Here I am.
I realize I don’t believe You.
When asked how to enter the Kingdom
Jesus said believe.
Help me believe!
Forgive me and help my unbelief!
My eyes fly open and Your Truth, transparent!
I no longer have disease. I no longer have Dis-Ease with You.
Roll out the Red Carpet!
My place is secure
My GOD is Faithful to keep me in His Care
My GOD’s Compassion washes over me
Cascading Grace and Hope through my soul
Your Presence, a testimony of Your Kindness.
You are my Rock when I am in a hard place
Yahweh is my Salvation, my Anchor when I am drifting
The GOD-Of-The-Angel-Armies is with me and for me.